Regenerative Cultures
Learning, Developing, Integrating.
ecopsychology, ecophilosophy and deep ecology.
Climate Science Fiction Repository, Cli-fi, SolarPunk, Hopepunk, Ecofiction ...
If you click on the images many of them have more content,
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a part of the book
Utopian fanzine "A Better World"
The Cli-Fi Report (CFR) is a research tool for academics and media professionals to use in gathering information and reporting on the rise of the emerging cli-fi term worldwide:
Cli-Fi Report
"Science fiction can be a very useful tool for seriously considering, at the level of the lay reader, a future that is hurtling toward us at unstoppable speed." George Turner
Woman on the edge of time is almost a cartography of what a world designed from social activism could be like. The imprint of feminism, anarchism and anti-racism is evident, and the result can also remind us of the libertarian municipalism with environmental sensibility of thinkers like Murray Bookchin. article link
""My criteria for determining whether a given work isecofictionis very similar to that of Lawrence Buell":
The non-human environment is present not just as a framing device, but as a presence that begins to suggest that human history is implicated in natural history.
Human interest is not understood as the only legitimate interest.
Human responsibility with the environment is part of the ethical orientation of the text.
Some sense of the environment as a process rather than a constant or a given is at least implied in the text.
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Jim Dwyer,
The destruction of Nature is not only physical, but a destruction of its meaning for man, a true spiritual and vital amputation of him. Certainly, the purity of air and water is taken from man, but language is also amputated, and the landscape in which he spends his life, full of personal and community references, is turned into a depersonalized and insignificant landscape. .
Miguel Delibes
A bit of art:
I want the future to feel like something to get excited about, and a place we could consciously seed if we chose to:Becky Chambers
the hopepunkHe says that genuinely and sincerely caring about something, anything, takes courage and strength.
Hopepunk is not about submission or acceptance, but about facing and fighting for something you believe in.
Going to a demonstration is hopepunk, and crying can be hopepunk because that means you have feelings. The 1% don't want us to have feelings, they just want us to feel resigned. Resignation is not hopepunk.
Alexandra Rowland
Ecoland juego
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Same as in cave or magic castle
everything was going to change in that place,
everything was going to change because
in the dream the impossible things
they happen easily.